Learn by Trying
During the Audace rehearsal, I knew I was automatically different and that was fine but the other models did welcome me and with an open heart. Most of the models were blond, tall, and skinny. There were only three of us that didn't have a shade of blond hair. Most dressed for winter already but there were some who didn't. A few of the models attitudes, I could tell right away there was a very snooty and a better than you attitude from them. However, there was some diversity among us, we weren't all native English speakers. For those who are just starting to love walking down a catwalk like me remember your DVC. I should have asked what that was before they started but I figured it out with the help to one of my fellow models. I even learned the formation by watching the others, so when my turn came I was already up to speed. I felt like I did pretty good overall. I know there was several things I could improve on and the fact the judges picked up on what I already knew I needed to improve on was just reassurance to me that I'm headed in the right direction already thinking about what I could do better for the next time. Overall, I felt like I had done a couture look but the judges did not that part makes me frustrated but I know I can get better and work towards a better goal. I was really excited to have fun and be who I am on stage enjoy my time. However, I forgot one thing...my description while on stage, I guess nerves got to me and the fact I wasn't told when to exactly say it but here's mine: "The tales of the storybooks of old can remind you of many tales long ago. Maybe I do? I feel like I've walked into a storybook world where models of all kinds be who they are and enjoy the spirit of Winter too! Just be the Ice Queen you are! My beautiful antlers and head piece (both from ::PM) was the star of the show or so I thought. My dress (from Wicca's Wardrobe) is something simple and elegant that makes me feel wonderful and added my jacket (from Wuzan) was just the icing! After those were in placed had to slip into my ribbon wraps (from Astralia) and had to add a sweet little ring (from :MoonAmore:).
Of course, I feel like I walked out a storybook. I hope you think so too! Thank you." So, yes, this was my little experience. What I learned? Not everything works for couture, need a better walk, need to watch poses, and don't forget the description! Oops! I'm still proud of myself putting myself out there and trying my best. At least, I felt good about what I wore even though the judges did not! It was truly still an amazing experience.